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VLE for the DELT
Courses at DELT
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Courses at DELT
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iBET 1 - Present SimpleTense
iBET 2 - Present Continuous Tense
iBET 3 - Review of the Present Tenses
iBET 4 - Past Simple Tense
iBET 5 - Past Continuous Tense
iBET 6 - Review of the Past Tenses
iBET 7 - Future Simple Tense
iBET 8 - Future Continuous Tense
iBET 9 - Review of the Future Tenses
iBET 10 - Review of all the Tenses
DELT 11013 and 12023 - English for General and Academic Purposes -Beginners and Pre-intermediate
DELT 23012 - English for General and Academic Purposes - Intermediate
DELT 33012 - English for General and Academic Purposes - Upper-Intermediate
DELT 43012 - English for General and Academic Purposes - Advanced